Be a Prepper too!



Several years back, where this writer lives in Indiana, we suffered a tornado, a hurricane and then an ice storm, all of which left much of the area without power for about a week for each of these disaster occasions.  For some people this was wisely a wakeup call as to how prepared one could survive if there was an extended period of time without our modern conveniences and access to food and water so easily had today.  Being without power and running water for about one week on three different occasions was very much like a trial run for a greater disruption in our modern lifestyles that is likely to one day take place and on a national or even a world wide scale.


How about you?  How long would you survive comfortably if suddenly you had no electricity, no running water, no heat, no way to cook food and wait a food!  Your power is off so your perishable foods in your refrigerator or freezers would only last a short time.  How many non-perishable foods do you presently have in your pantry and how long would it last you and your family? 


You should really take the 7day test voluntarily.  Unless you have some medical issue or it is so cold that your pipes might freeze, for 7days turn off the power to your home, shut off the water and even the heat in the winter and just find out how unprepared you actually are.  Make a list of all the items that you are in need of that would have made the 7 day test a success then multiply that times about 3 to 5 years!  Think that is being extreme?  Only time will tell and those who are not making preparations will weep over not doing so now.  Friends there is coming a great time of trouble prophesied from the pages of scripture in the which physical preparations now might possibly make life much more bearable then.


You will also need to make some decisions on just how far are you would be willing to go to protect your preparations and of course your life and the lives of your family.  We believe that each of us should be so in tune with Yahweh our Elohim as to know his voice in our lives and know with a surety where He would have us to be living at the time of the end.  Our advice is that you need to get out of the cities and even larger towns and get out into the country.   That will buy you a little more time to survive somewhat without troubles.  But eventually once all of the resources have been used up in the cities, gangs of people will be coming out into the country trying to find food and shelter and some of these people will not be friendly to say the least and will even kill to gain what they want or need.  But even if the Elohim leads you to remain in the heavily populated areas, He does have the ability to protect you wherever you are at.  Do not trust in your preparations, trust in Yahweh, for no matter where you are at it will still come down to faith in Yahweh to survive no matter how much physical preparations one had previously made.  Your faith in Yahweh will also grant you survival even through death, for there is the resurrection from the dead and the 7th trump!


Even if you are not yet willing to believe such a scenario could possibly come to pass and yes even here in the United States of America, what about just the disruptions that are believable like an earthquake, tornado or hurricane or an ice storm and other such natural disasters? Something as simple as having a BBQ grill so you can cook, or having a kerosene heater or wood heat to stay warm if it is in winter and you have no electrical power would make life so much more comfortable when disaster hits.  Something as simple as having 5 gallon containers of treated water or having a few weeks of non-perishable food items stuck away.  How about a small portable gasoline generator to have a little electricity for lighting or to keep your freezer going?  How about communication if phone lines are down or cell disruption disables the ability to make contact with others or emergency personnel?  The list could go on and on and on when one begins to ponder the things that we need to live a somewhat normal lifestyle when our normal lifestyles are being cut short. 


We are thinking someday of starting a new web page concerning survival preparations.  Of a certainty we are not experts, but we can point people to the experts and give some sound advice especially to those who might come across this web page who don't have a clue of what they should be doing.


Now with all of this being said, we need you to understand that we are not necessarily teaching physical salvation.  But there is ample scriptural proof of Yahweh's people being prepared for harsh times.  Far more important for us to be spiritually in tune with what is necessary to make it into the coming Kingdom of Yahweh.  But while we are still mortal beings we have to feed and water this body or it will die.  So even on a smaller scale, each and every day we have to be a prepper. 


Passover is within 14 days of the date of this editorial.  It also is a time of preparations and yes both physically and spiritually.  From removing the physical leavening products from our homes, automobiles and personal areas of our workplaces to examining our lives for the hidden spiritual leaven, we are preparing physically and spiritually.   All along we are then to be preparing ourselves by replacing both the physical and the spiritual leavening with that which is unleavened!  Those who know and obey the Truth of Elohim's set apart days, know that one must plan in advance to enter into them.  Even the weekly 7th day Sabbath requires what the scriptures calls the preparation day, which foreshadows getting our lives prepared to enter into the 7th 1000 years of time since the re-creation of Genesis chapter one, wherein those who are chosen to rule and reign with Messiah will do so for a period of 1000 years. Rev. 20.  All of Yahweh's chosen ones are preppers!  The warning goes out:  ....prepare to meet your Elohim...." Amos 4:12


If you would like to understand the Passover and the days of unleavened bread more, just email or write us from the contact page of this web site and we would be more than willing to share what we know or point you to other ministries with greater resources than ours.


Be a prepper, be-be a a prepper, be-be a prepper, wouldn't you want to be a prepper too!!!!!



The Old Paths Restoration Ministry

PO Box 247

Marengo, IN 47140