Out of the darkness and into the Light



The invitation came and the young man accepted it wholeheartedly since his love for cave exploration had been deeply rooted within him from childhood.  You see his dad would often take him as a boy on trips into caves near where they lived, so when an invitation came to actually explore Mammoth Cave, he could not resist and sent in his registration immediately! 

Although the trip was many months out, he began getting his gear ready, making sure that he had his lights, pack, boots, coveralls and such all packed in advance.  Oh and not to forget his old beat up hardhat, which was a sign of a serious caver, and no way would he even think about cleaning the mud off from the previous trips! 

Once arriving at Mammoth Cave National Park campgrounds, he found the shade of a large tree to make his home for the week.  There were many trips into the cave that eventful week, but one in particular was quite memorable.  On a long hike to an extremely remote cave entrance, large droplets of sweat began beading down his forehead and into his eyes, which then dripped off the tip of his nose and chin.  Once arriving at the entrance, the cool air was felt blowing up out of the mouth of the cave, which was a delightful relief from the steamy oppressiveness of the dense Kentucky woodlands. 

Upon their descent into the darkness of the subterranean hollows and after many miles of vigorous and exhausting exploration, the call eventually went out to begin the return to the surface and the cavers reluctantly commenced their ascent.  At one point and to his dismay the young man suddenly realized that he was no longer with the group, but that he was all alone!  Hurriedly making his way to the top of a great underground mountain of collapsed rock he began to ponder the situation he had now unexpectedly found himself in.   While turning off his light to conserve the batteries, he tried to listen for the voices of others but while straining to hear, his eardrums only began to reverberate with the desire to hear a sound, just a single noise other than his own quickened breathing.  His ears aching with agony, the sounds of silence became deafening.  He was surrounded by darkness, silence and isolation, the perfect scenario for the enemy of the faith to begin affecting his mind.

There he was, sitting in the belly of the longest cave in the world and he was all alone, pondering if he might have taken a wrong turn and there might not be anyone ever to come by his way.   His faith began to cave in and overcome by doubts.  Realizing that his only recourse was to lift up a prayer to the Father in Heaven, remembering that Yahshua had once said that “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:20b) 

And so the young man began to pray in earnest.  He knelt there surrounded by the darkness and asked that Yahweh would to come to his aid.  And the Elohim heard and swiftly gave the young man an awareness that he was not at all alone, but that His Ruach was with him along with an innumerable number of Angelic beings.  The spirit of Yahweh spoke to his mind, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5b)  “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear…..” (1st John 4:18a)

The love of Yahweh began to fill the darkness of the cave and there fell a great peace of assurance overwhelming the young man’s mind.  His fears began to leave and his doubts were overcome by faith!  He picked himself up, turned on his light to extinguish the darkness that was around him and began walking in the light while praising the great Yahweh and master of his life.  He marched steadfastly with a determination of mind thru faith that he was going to walk out of that cave and yes……..there wasn’t a much more pleasing site to see but the light of the sun shining down thru the Kentucky forest and into the cave and he wouldn’t even think of complaining about the sweat in his eyes on the hike back to the campground!  How sweet to come out of the darkness & into the light! 

How about you dear friend?  Have you or are you being called to come out of darkness and into the marvelous light of Yahweh’s Word?  If so then begin walking in that light!


 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an kodesh nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”  1st Peter 2:9

The Old Paths Restoration Ministry

PO Box 247

Marengo, IN 47140

