Questions and comments about Christmas




The following pages contain some very straight forward questions and statements concerning the Christmas holiday.  These questions and statements are meant to provoke serious thought by those who are presently observing the season.  It is very sad that many have not taken the apostle Paul’s admonition in 1st Thessalonians 5:21, to prove all things.  We have grown up in a society that is heaped in religious traditions and customs.  How many have taken the time to know whether or not such traditions are really based upon the Word of God, the Bible.  Very few, for we have taken it for granted that our parents and our grandparents and our ministers and our teachers and friends and families, and all the experts are all correct in what they have been led to believe and then pass on to us.  Are you actually going to base your salvation and your very relationship with the great God of the Universe solely upon what others believe rather than proving it for yourself? 


Jesus said that there are blind leaders of the blind and they both shall fall into the ditch.  Salvation is a personal thing.  It is just between you and God, not between you and God and those that you have believed your whole life.  Christmas is just one of those things that we have believed.  There are many other erroneous doctrines that we have believed as well, but let’s just take one at a time.  These questions are not meant as a condemnation of your Christmas observance.  It is meant as a means of opening your eyes to the deception involved in keeping a false holy day not sanctioned as holy within the Bible.  I will say this with all honesty, you are not honoring Jesus through Christmas.  Guess who it is then that your are honoring? 


Remain open minded as you read this document and allow the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth to prick your heart.  I have given several scriptural and historical references, obviously not all, but you must still prove it for yourself.  The information needed to prove it is out there.  There are many scriptural evidences as well as historical evidence to prove the truth about Christmas.  Will you remain willingly ignorant of the truth, or will you do as the Word commands us to do.  I’m confident that if you have an open mind and a heart for the Truth, and if the Lord God is truly ready to call you, you will come to understand the error of Christmas.  The Bible though, is like a giant puzzle.  Here a little and there a little.  It takes time and a diligent attitude to search for the deep things of God.  Unfortunately most people are not serious enough about having a proper relationship with God to ever admit that they may be in error and thus they remain in their sins.  They become willingly ignorant of the Truth. 


I do not condemn you for your observance of Christmas for I was once as you now are.  It is when our sins are revealed to us that we become responsible of repenting of those sins.  May this simple series of questions and statements reveal to you the sin and abomination of Christmas, that you might repent and have a deeper relationship with the living Christ.



  All scripture quotations from the King James version unless otherwise noted

1.     Do you know what Christmas really means?   

2.     Can you find your definition in the Bible?

3.     Is the term “Christmas” even in the Bible?

4.     Can you honestly state that Christmas is a Christian Holiday?

5.     Can you find Christmas as a sanctified holy day in the Bible?  If so were

      is your proof texts?  Is your proof of Christmas being Christian really

      based upon the Bible?

6.     Is Christmas ever commanded of God to be observed by Christians?

7.     Is Christmas a commandment of God or a tradition of man?

8.     Did you know that Jesus said that if we try and worship Him through

      traditions and commandments of man rather than through His commandments and doctrines,

that our whole worship is in vain to Him? (vain=Counts as nothing)  Mark 7:1-13; Matthew 15:7-9; Psalms 119:126

9.     If Christmas is Christian then why do so many non-Christians and heathen nations observe Christmas?

10.    Can you give Biblical proof that Jesus was born December 25th?

11.    Have you ever noticed that Christmas is short for the “Christ-Mass, a

      Catholic doctrine? 

12.    Did you know that in Catholicism, the Mass relates to the death of Christ,

      not His birth?  Explain that one!

13.    Do you think that God would approve of worshipping Him through lies

      and deception?

14.    Can you prove then, that Christmas is a Truth?

15.    Can you find one Biblical example of Jesus or any of the disciples or any

      New Testament Christians ever observing the birth of Christ as an annual


16.    Can you find one Biblical example of the Lord or any Christian ever

      observing the birth of Christ in the Winter and shrouded in the customs

      associated with the modern Christmas traditions?

17.    Do you really know the origins of Christmas, the Christmas Tree, it’s

      customs of decorations, the holly wreath and the Santa Claus, etc.?

18.    Did you know that the eating of traditional Christmas ham dinners is deemed by Jesus

as unclean and abominable to eat?  Leviticus 11; Isaiah 66:15-17

19.    Did you know that the term “holiday” is the combination of the two

      words “holy” and “day?”

20.    Can you find a Biblical example of Christmas and it’s associated traditions

      being coined as a Holy Day?

21.    Can you prove from the Bible that there were three wise men?

22.    Can you prove from the Bible that the wise men ever saw baby Jesus in the manger?

23.       Did you know that by observing Christmas along with the other false holidays

            that you are disobeying God which brings you into the bondage of sin and thus  

            your are still under the curse of the law or the death penalty?  1st John 3:4;

            Romans 6:23;   Galatians 4:8-11; Deuteronomy 12:29-32; 18:9-14

24.       Did you know that ancient history shows that the traditions surrounding

            Christmas were being observed many centuries before the birth of Jesus?  (the

             book “10,000 Answers and Questions” by Frederick J. Haskin)

25.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that the Lord will destroy those eating their Christmas Ham dinners when He returns?  Isaiah 66:15-17

26.       Did you know that the apostle Paul rebuked the Galatians (Gentile Church) of returning to their heathen customs after they had learned the Truth? 

            Galatians 4:8-11

27.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that people would turn away from the truth (sound doctrine) and would then turn to fables?  2nd Timothy 4:1-4

28.       If Christmas is not true then it is a fable, so is it then based upon sound doctrines or false doctrines?  Have we turned away from the truth?

29.       Did you know that the Word of God commands God’s people not to learn the ways of the heathen?  Jeremiah 10:1,2

30.       Did you know that the Word of God commands God’s people not to decorate a tree, a heathen custom, in conjunction with the worship and honor of the one true God?   Jeremiah 10:3,4

31.       Did you know that there are multiple Bible texts that condemn the use of green trees in the worship of God because they were used for pagan rituals?  Deuteronomy 12:2-4; 1st Kings 14:22-23; 2nd Kings 16:1-4; 17:9,10; 2nd Chronicles 28:1-4; Isaiah 57:3-5; Jeremiah 2:19,20; 3:6,13;17:1-4; Ezekiel 6:11-14

32.       Did you know that Christmas is of pagan origins and is based upon sun worship?

33.       Did you know that the pagan people were sun worshippers? (Satan worship in disguise)  They believed that the sun was their giver of life.  It gave them heat and light by which we must have in order to live and grow crops.

34.       Did you know that the pagan people believed that around what is now our December the 25th, was the birth of the Sun as the short winter days began to grow longer?  This was eventually merged with Christianity and became the birth of the Son of God, and yet still held it’s pagan customs only candy coated in Christian stories and terminology, such as Jesus the Son, just like the sun, is the light and the giver of everlasting life.  Thus Christmas is based upon the legendary birth of the sun god, not the Son of God.  (the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge)

35.       Did you know then that Christmas is a form of idolatry?  It is based upon the pagan worship of the birth of the Sun god, not the birth of the Son of God.  That is where Sunday observance comes from as well.  That is why it is called the Sun-day.  This is where the worship of the East Star comes from as it rises in the East and from which we have our Eaststar or Easter sunrise services.

36.       Did you know that there is another Jesus, another gospel and another spirit that the majority are following that is not the real Jesus, gospel and Holy Spirit of the Bible and that Satan has his ministers who have infiltrated the Churches who are teaching such things that are false doctrines. i.e. Christmas, Lent, Sunday observance, Good Friday, Easter, the eating of unclean meats, grace without obedience to the commandments, etc.?  2nd Corinthians 11:4,13-

            15; Jude 4; 2nd Peter 2:1,2

37.       Did you know that there is a great false Church in the world today who has committed spiritual adultery with the nations of the earth instead of remaining

true to God?  Did you know that this false Church has made the inhabitants of the world blind drunk off of her false doctrines?  Did you know that this great false Church has killed many true Christians over the years?  Did you know that this Church is called a great whore by God because of her relationship with the world?  Did you know that this whore has had daughter Churches who are involved in the same whoredoms as she is and thus they are harlots as well?  Did you know that this whorish system is called Mystery Babylon the Great because she has as her foundation, beliefs based upon the Mystery religions originating in ancient Babylon?  From such a system do we have the origins of false holy days such as Christmas.  God tells His people to come out of Babylon or the same plagues that will come upon her will come upon them as well.  Did you know that the Great Whore calls herself the Mother Church?  Some believe that Mystery Babylon is the Islamic religions, some believe it is the United States of America.  We will just have to wait and see the fulfillment of prophecy to know for sure.  But as of right now the weight of evidence points toward the Roman Catholic Church and her Protestant daughters as being involved in such spiritual harlotry.  Then we have the high level Free-masons and the New Age movement.   All of these such like groups have foundational beliefs based upon the mystery religions of old, only having just enough truth mixed in to make their system of beliefs seem normal and accepted and even Christianized.  Revelation 17:1-6; 18:4

38.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that our worship of God can be no less than through Spirit and Truth?  John 4:23,24

39.       If Christmas in not true, (a lie) it is nowhere based upon sound Biblical doctrines, then doesn’t that mean that we are trying to approach God through lies and not the Truth?

40.       Did you know that Satan the devil is the father of all lies, yet mankind believes him, and yet as a whole most will not believe the Truth that Jesus and His ministers speak?  John 8:43-45

41.       Did you know that the Bible states that if we say that we know Jesus, but will not keep His commandments that we are then liars and the Truth (Jesus, His Word,    His law, His Spirit, etc.) is not in us?  If we disobey God’s commandments and yet claim to know Him, then the real truth is not in us, we have then received another Jesus, another gospel and another Spirit.  1st John 2:3,4

42.       Did you know that billions of lies are told during the Christmas season?  We are told that Jesus is the reason for the season. (a lie)  We are told that Jesus was born on December 25th. (a lie)  Parents tell there young children these things, and then tell them about Santa Claus bringing them gifts if they’ve been good. (a lie)  If we tell our children lies about Santa, how are they to ever really believe in the true and real Jesus?  They will fall for the other Jesus.  Do you think that Christians should be liars?  Exodus 20:16 

43.       Did you know that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire if they do not repent?  Revelation 21:8

44.       Should we then be taking part in something (Christmas) that is riddled with lies?

45.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that the things that happened to ancient Israel were for examples of what could happen to us today if we fall for the same  lifestyle of sin and disobedience that they did?  Romans 15:4; 1st Corinthians 10:11; 2nd Timothy 3:16; 2nd Peter 3:1,2

46.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that ancient Israel began keeping the false holy days of the heathen, only merging them with God’s feasts and yet claimed to be honoring and worshipping the true God?  Amos 5:21-26  (This hasn’t changed even to our time; man is still adopting pagan customs by giving it Christian names and stories and think that they are worshipping and honoring God)

47.       Did you know by rejecting God’s laws and observing the heathen idolatrous days, (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Sunday keeping, etc. must be repented of.  They are not Biblical)  God allowed Israel to go into captivity (slavery, prison camps, martyrdom, etc.) to those heathen nations, and that such a prophecy will come upon us as well, if we as a nation will not repent of doing the same things?  Amos 5:21-27; 2nd Kings 17; 2nd Chronicles 28:5; Romans 15:4; 1st Corinthians 10:11

48.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that Jesus has Holy days that He commands His people to keep and not to allow anyone to condemn His people for taking part in them for they are still to this day shadows of things yet to come?  Leviticus 23; Exodus 20:8-11; Colossians 2:16,17   These scriptures along with many others show forth that these are God’s (Jesus) Holidays.  We are to keep them today, for to do otherwise is sin.  A lifestyle of sin will bring the curse of the law (death penalty) upon a person.  Jesus came to free us from sin, not to be freed to live in sin.  Disobeying His commandments is sin.  A person must repent of disobeying God and by the power of the true Holy Spirit we then can live an obedient life unto Him.  This is true conversion.   God has His holidays that are based upon His Word.  The holidays that the harlot Churches and the world are keeping are not based upon the Word of

God.  If so, then show me.  I don’t want to be in error anymore than I want you to continue in error.

49.       Did you know that Satan the devil is a great counterfeiter, and that he counterfeits God’s holy days with his own days and festivals and seasons that brings honor to him and dishonor unto God:  His days are Sunday observance, Halloween, Christmas, Valentines day, Lent, Easter, etc.

50.       Can you find one example from the Bible stating anything that even resembles that Jesus is the reason for the season?

51.       Did you know that almost every ancient culture has a mother and child in the worship of their gods?  This is idolatry.  Mary the mother of Jesus is not to lifted up and honored as a member of the Godhead.  She needed a savior from her sins just like every other person who has lived and died.  Luke 1:46,47; Romans 3:23  The mother and child is of pagan origins dating many years before the birth of Christ.  Satan was planning the Christmas deception long before Christ was ever born.

52.       Did you know that the Whore Church calls Mary, “the Queen of Heaven?”  Such idolatry was an abomination unto God even in ancient times.  Jeremiah 7:15-20; 44:15-29 

53.       Did you know that the Lord does not change?  So however He thought about idolatry and sin in ancient times, He still feels the same about it today.  Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8  If pagan customs were an abomination unto the Lord in ancient times, and worthy of allowing His people to be taken into captivity for their correction, and knowing that He does not change, what is our future if this nation does not repent of observing Christmas and other heathen customs?

54.       If the Father wanted mankind and especially His people to observe the birth of the Savior, don’t you think that He would have revealed to us the exact date of His birth?  Nowhere within the pages of the Bible do we find the date of Christ’s birth, it is only His death do we have a date and we are commanded to observe and memorialize His death, burial and resurrection.)  It can be somewhat determined that He was born sometime in September or early October, but that is as close as we could even speculate.

55.       Did you know that Jeremiah the prophet was filled with a righteous indignation and would not participate in the merry feasts of the heathen?  Jeremiah 15:17    (New International Version; American Standard Version; The Living Bible Transliteration Version)  What do people say today but “have a merry   

Christmas!”  They are saying “have a merry feast!  Just like Jeremiah was so outraged over, because he knew that they were observing false feasts that would bring the nation into captivity, and it did!  If only they would keep the holy feast days of the Lord God instead, and so it is with our nation today, our captivity is at hand.  Great Tribulation is coming!  We must repent!

56.       Did you know that Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church, but that it came from Egypt and Babylon?  (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911 edition)

57.       Did you know that Christmas was not celebrated in the first centuries of the Christian Church nor was it instituted by Christ or the apostles nor by Bible authority, but the feast was instituted in the Church in the fourth century?  By the fifth century it was ordered to be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol, since they did not know the exact date of Christ’s birth.  (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1946 edition and the Encyclopedia Americana, 1944 edition)

58.       Did you know that Jesus did not come to bring peace on the earth at the time of His first coming as we hear in all the songs and displays during the Christmas season?  It was announced by the angels at the time of His birth, Luke 2:13,14, but that was for a future time, even yet in our future.  The only peace that Jesus brings today is within the hearts of those who know and understand the Truth.  He tells us Himself that He did not come to bring peace at the time of His first coming.  Matthew 10:34-36; Luke 12:51-53

59.       Did you know that the Lord desired for His people to remain “cleansed from everything pagan?”  Nehemiah 13:30 Revised Authorized Version

60.       Do you know where the customs of hanging wreaths, holly and mistletoe comes from?  These types of plants, just like the evergreen tree that people use for Christmas, remain green year round.  To the pagans, just like the New Agers of today, this is a symbol of fertility, of life everlasting.  This is also well-known in the pagan Easter celebrations as well, wherein they use rabbits (one of the most proliferate reproducers among all the animals) as well as using the eggs, which again is a symbol of fertility.  Many green plants such as the holly plant which produces it’s berries during the Winter, which again symbolizes the fertility and the reproduction of life even during the time of the year when most everything else seems dead.  It is easy to see then where the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe came from.  Mistletoe is a parasite by the way, just as is sin of observing pagan customs which sucks away from mankind the true spiritual meanings of God’s ways.  Satan is a great deceiver and a master thereof.

61.       What about the custom of the old Yule Log or the Yuletide season?  In ancient times the sun worshippers would burn a special fire in the Winter, during the time of the year when the Sun barely clips the southern skies and the days are short.  These fires were to persuade the Sun god, the giver of life, to come back to them.  It is very easy to see then how such pagan customs were cloaked in Christian terms, for Christ is the great giver of life, and yes it is a desire that He would return for His people.  People unknowingly do the same thing today.  They have their Christmas bonfires, their candle lighting and their Christmas lights.  The ancient Druids would choose a special circular shaped log to burn.  The word “Yule: means the word “wheel,” a circular shaped object as a symbol of the sun when it was lit with fire.  Even the little round balls that hang from the Christmas trees are said to have come from the little sun shaped idols or the fertility egg.

62.       Do you know how Satan managed to seduce the Church into His paganistic religion through which he is receiving worship?  You must understand that

ancient Rome was pagan.  Their most important festival took place around December the 25th.  Just prior to this date, the shortest day of the year came, which they deemed as the death of the old sun.  With the 25th being claimed as the birth of the new sun with the lengthening of days.  Satan used the emperor Constantine and others to amalgamate pagan customs with Christianity.  Rome was called “the city of the gods.”  As Rome conquered other lands it brought back their gods along with their customs.  They even built statues of the heathen deities of other lands.  Christianity was on the rise, and thus to head it off, Satan essentially joined the Church.  To keep the pagans in paganism, they just substituted their pagan customs with Christian names and stories.  The mother and child worship that was found in almost every heathen nation, became known as Mary and Jesus.  They changed the names of their gods to the names of Christian figures such as Peter.  They observed the day of the Sun (Sunday) in place of God’s Sabbath day, since the Pagans were hooked on Sun worship.  To keep the pagan people happy they changed the birth of the Sun god on Dec. 25th, to the birth of the Son of God.  This does not change the fact that it is all based upon lies.  It is idolatry, and Satan gets the glory from it, not Jesus.  Thus the great whore Church was born and along with it all of the customs and traditions and have been passed down the ages to our time.  We all grew up with these traditions, never questioning them, always taking it for granted that what we have believed is the truth.  It is only when God calls us do we have the opportunity for salvation.  It is up to us then to repent and remain faithful.  If we do so, then we will be chosen of God to rule with Him in the coming Kingdom.  Revelation 17:14; 20:6.    Many are called, but few are chosen.  John 15:16; Matthew 22:14.  Will you be among the few, or among the many who profess Christ as Savior but deny Him by your works?  Titus 1:16

63.       Did you know that history shows us that observing Christmas was against the law among the early American colonists?  They desired to be freed from many of the false doctrines of the old world.  Eventually the same old false doctrines of the old world moved into America.  God has given this nation all of these years to repent.  He is now calling out through His prophets and minister that we, as a nation must repent or we will go into captivity.

64.       Did you know that it can be proven in the bible that Jesus commands us not to keep the customs of the heathen that are not based upon the ways of God (such as what we today call as Christmas?)  Jeremiah 10:2; Exodus 23:32,33; Deuteronomy 12:28-32

65.       Do you know the origins of Santa Claus and the reindeer?  First off, if you haven’t yet noticed, but if you take the letters from Santa and mix them around you can get “Satan?”  It may just be a mere coincidence, but since Satan is the one instigating the whole pagan season behind the scene, it shouldn’t surprise us.  In ancient Egypt, where the “Mother and child” were worshipped, the father god was known as “Khons.”  The name means the “Huntsman” or “god of the chase.”  Scholars identify him as Nimrod of Genesis chapter 10, “the mighty hunter,” the builder of “Babel.”  Over the centuries, his images evolved into human forms, usually clothed in a leopard skin, showing his hunting ability over the swiftest of animals.  This was later changed to the spotted skin of a young fawn deer.  In Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, statues of Nimrod (Baal) show him wearing a spotted deer skin, or carrying a deer.  There has been drawings of Nimrod which looks quite similar to Santa Claus.  He has a long white beard, elaborate dress, holding a reindeer, standing near an evergreen tree and having wings to give him the power to fly through the air.  The description sounds alot like Santa Claus.  In the 5th century a Roman Catholic bishop had his name corrupted to St. Nicholas and gave gifts in secret of which a day was given in his honor.  That day was eventually transferred to Christmas day.  There are songs about Santa that gives him abilities only the Lord God now has.  He knows when young children are awake, whether they have been good or bad and so forth.

66.       Did you know that the Bible tells us that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?  A little bad mixed with the good, makes the whole thing bad.  A little evil mixed with righteousness makes the whole thing evil.  A little deception mixed with the Truth makes the whole thing a deception.  That is what Christmas is.  It is a deception of Satanic design that has just enough truth from the Bible mixed in with it to make it look Christian, but according to the Word of God then, that the whole thing is based upon a deception.  1st Corinthians 5:6

67.       Did you know that we are not to eat food offered unto idols?  We cannot have one foot in the things of the world and the other foot in the things of God.  If we are friends with the world, we are enemies of God.  We cannot come to the Lord’s table and eat and yet at the same time partake of the cup of demons.  You are either for the Lord or you are against Him.  1st Corinthians 10:18-22;  James 4:4

68.       Do you think that we as individuals or within a Church organization have the rights to change the standard by which all Truth is to be known?  That is just what mankind and especially professing Christians have done, whether they know that they are doing so or not.  They do not want to go by the rules of God.  They make up their own rules to live by.  Many are very liberal in their thinking.  They say the law of God has been done away with.  They do not want God to tell them how they are to live.  Jesus told certain people, “why call me Lord, and do not the things I say?”  He is not our Lord if we will not obey Him.  The old Roman Church thinks she can do this.  If you happen to be a protestant, you are not a very good one if you are keeping Sunday, or Christmas or good Friday or Easter or Halloween and so forth.  Satan used the Roman Church to bring these things into Christianity.  You are bowing to the edicts of the Mother Church, Mystery Babylon.  You are one of her daughters if you are engaging in the same abominations that she is doing.  Such a system has thought to change times and laws.  She changed the holy days of God to the pagan days of today.  She openly admits that she changed the Sabbath to Sunday.  God tells us that a day begins at the setting of the sun, but the world says that it begins in the middle of the night.  God says that the new year begins in the Spring time, but man says it begins in the middle of the Winter.  God says don’t you eat the things that I have declared as being unclean, but man says we can eat anything that we desire.  God says if you love me, keep my commandments, but man says no we don’t have to keep those old laws anymore.  They have turned the grace of God into a license to live in sin.  Daniel 7:24; John 14:15,21,24; Jude 4; Jeremiah 6:16-19

69.       Should Jesus be our example?  If you answer yes, then can you find an example of Jesus telling His people to keep any of the pagan holidays that mankind keeps today?  But you can find example after example of Jesus and  His Church keeping the Sabbath day, Passover and the days of unleavened bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.  All of His Holy days give us a picture of how He is going to save the world.  Do you think that you are one of His people?  Then why don’t you obey the Lord and repent of the things that we have been speaking of in this document?  The Holy days that I have just mentioned are Biblical.  They are commanded of God.  Christmas on the other hand is not a holy day.  It is not mentioned in the Bible.  Christmas is not Biblical.  Christmas is not commanded of God. 

70.       Do you think that you are honoring Jesus by observing a day of pagan origins?  Do you think that you are honoring the birth of Christ with a day that in Catholicism mean His death.  If you are a Protestant, do you not yet know that you are keeping a Catholic holiday.  To be a true Protestant means that you are protesting the false doctrines of a whorish Church.  By observing Christmas, you are following the doctrines of the Roman Church.  Does this not make you begin to wonder how many other things that you believe are based upon false doctrines?  If you are a Catholic, your leaders have deceived you.  It is vital then that we prove all things.  Prove everything that you believe.  Find out whether or not it is really based upon the Bible.  This ministry is not only a Protestant unto the Catholic Church, but we are also Protestant unto the Protestant Church, for both groups are involved in spiritual harlotry.




I have asked many questions and made many statements in this document.  Much more could be asked and stated.  I have collected much information about Christmas and other such days that the Church and the world are observing.  I have spoken from some of that information in this document, but over all tried to stay clear of what others have written and have tried to make some simple statements. I gave just enough to give you a small picture of the Truth of this subject.  Just remember Christmas is not Biblical just because it has added the story of Christ’s birth to it.  Can a leopard change his spots or can we change the color of our skin?  Even if we could it still would not change who and what we are.  Jeremiah 13:23  So it is with days such a Christmas.  We could think to change it from it’s paganism and call it Christian, but it still does not change the fact that it is still pagan.  It is Anti-Christ!  We are not to add to or take away from the things that God has commanded us.  Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18,19  The Christmas tradition is adding something to God’s Word that He does not command.  Nor is Sunday keeping, Easter and a whole lot of other things that man is doing and in the Name of Jesus!!   By not keeping God’s Holy days and His righteous ways, mankind is taking away things that God commands.  That is why the curse is coming upon the inhabitants of the earth in the end of the age.  (Isaiah 24)  It is the many who are deceived, only the few will understand in this age.  Repent therefore, that you might be among the few!  I do not condemn you for observing Christmas and other such days or customs that are not sanctified by God.  I will judge you though as being blinded in part to the Truth.  If that is so, then you must wait until God opens your eyes.  It is only when your eyes are opened to the Truth are we then responsible for repenting of the things that we now see and understand.  If your spiritual eyes are not yet opened, then nothing I will ever say or write unto you will take effect.  I had just as well go talk to a tree stump, for I would get just about the same response.  It takes God to open our eyes.  Once our eyes are open and then we reject God’s ways are we then in danger of spiritual destruction.  I was once as you are.  But it has been since the early 1980’s did I finally repent of keeping Christmas.  You must understand that I know exactly what you believe, I’ve been there.  I sat down one day and just asked God to show me the Truth.  Not just what I’ve been taught all my life, but straight from His Word.  That began a time of renewal of my mind even unto this day.  Therefore, we must prove all things, by the Bible Standard!



The Old Paths Restoration Ministry

PO Box 247

Marengo, IN 47140